The Question: How Would You Define Success As A Pastor? My Answer…

A few days ago, I was asked this question online: “How would you define success as a pastor?”

Before I could respond with a positive answer, my brain first went to all the things I would NOT define as success for a pastor (like celebrity status, number of church campuses, number of attendees, book on the NY Times Bestseller list, having a conferences for other pastors so I can tell them what they should be doing and how they should be doing it, building mega-campuses, being on TV, getting invited to preach around the world, driving a Bentley, etc.).

When I was done eliminating what success is NOT, I started thinking about the essence of what it IS to me.

What I came up with isn’t exhaustive – but it is the core of who I want to be and what I want to be known for as a pastor.

Here’s my reply

I don’t think I’ve been asked that before so, this is fun – also, I imagine how I might define success in 10 or 15 years will likely sound quite different than how I do today… but, OK – here’s my stab at answering your question:

#1. Success as a pastor is being a good follower of Jesus myself – really and truly loving God and loving people. I’d also include being a good husband and father and friend in this one.

#2. Success as a pastor is being faithful to who God made me to be – using what He’s given me (my unique strengths, gifts, and abilities to fulfill the call He has placed on my life).

#3. Success as a pastor is making it easy and obvious for people to get to Jesus – by removing obstacles that block their view of just how beautiful and amazing He is. I want to have made a big deal about Jesus (and not myself).

#4. Success as a pastor is finishing strong – not fading or burning out. I want to still be happy and whole and really loving God and loving people when it’s time to hang my hat as a pastor.

I think that’s all I have for now. Remember to ask me in 10 or 15 years for a different answer.

*    *    *    *

QUESTION: What would you add or take away?


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I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

2 Comments to The Question: How Would You Define Success As A Pastor? My Answer…

  1. I love #3.

    I think people naturally want to make people (celebrities, athletes & yes pastors) their heroes.

    Success as a pastor is helping people see God as the hero when people try to make “you” the hero.

  2. It sounds like a really good list for any of us, pastor or not. The distillation of any of our lives should always reflect and magnify Jesus, no matter who we are or how old we may be. Thank God for His grace to us.

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