Category "Life With God"


Here is a sneak peek at chapter 3 of the book I wrote this summer (hopefully coming soon)…

White knuckle ride, I’m on it. It’s not so easy to control, pressure. It’s not so easy to control, pressure. There’s no easy way to make it better. —Jamiroquai (White Knuckle Ride)

Then wolves will live in peace with lambs, and leopards will lie down to rest with goats. Calves, lions, and young bulls will eat together, and a little child will lead them. —Isaiah (Isaiah 11.6 NCV)


I’m not much of a thrill-seeker; I’m no adrenaline junkie. In fact, there are more theme park rides that I won’t go on than I will. I have rules for this… Read More


Here’s a little more leakage – some content from the book I wrote this summer…

Yo, we at war. We at war with terrorism, racism, and most of all, we at war with ourselves. —Kanye West (Jesus Walks)

Tears on the mausoleum floor, blood stains the coliseum doors… —Jay-Z (No Church in the Wild)

If you act like wild animals, hurting and harming each other, then watch out, or you will completely destroy one another… Read More


Many of you know I wrote a book this summer and am in the process of trying to get myself a literary agent (if you are related to an amazing literary agent, please hook a brotha up). Anyway, this week, I thought it would be fun to do a little sneak peek chapter leak…

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Life with God is easier than we think. Most of us are simply trying too hard. We’re straining and we’re stressing, but all that effort is for nothing.

God doesn’t want your works, He wants you.

And there’s more… Read More

I Can Have Enemies

I used to believe it was OK to have enemies.

Because Jesus said to love them, bless them, pray for them… I kinda took it as permission to collect ‘em.

Like Jesus was saying, “It’s OK to call people or groups of people your enemies.”

But I don’t believe that anymore. I don’t believe it’s OK to collect or have enemies.

Here’s what I mean… Read More


NOTE: I decided to add on a little bit to last week’s 3-part series “Stuff I Don’t Believe Anymore.” I guess this makes it a 4-part series now…


I used to be in the river.

And by “In the river,” I mean I was a participant in revival / renewal / river whatchamacallit. Yeah, I was in a church that had chofars  and streamers and banners and dancers… Read More

Catholics Aren’t Christian

Growing up in Pentecostal church, I picked up on this idea: Catholics aren’t Christians. The typical charges against them were things like praying to Mary, worshiping the Pope, praying to the saints, and elevating the teachings of saints and church leaders to the same level as Scripture. They also had cool necklaces – and I wanted to wear one.

And then there were the wild accusations from the end-times obsessed folks, claiming the current Pope is most definitely, 100% for sure, obviously THE Antichrist (these guys are still doing this too).

I was smart enough to detect the crazy on the doomsday prophets, but the underlying message “Catholics aren’t Christians” stuck with me. When you hear something enough times, you just begin to believe it.

So I believed Catholics aren’t Christians… Read More

Success Will Make My Insecurities Go Away

I can’t speak for everyone, but I do know this about myself: I’m not particularly inventive when it comes to my picture of what success is.

How do I define success?

I see it on someone else and I want it. Whatever it is that they posses or have attained or are currently doing – that’s what I want.

In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever made a truly unique goal for myself. All my goals have been modeled after someone who was more successful than me.

I see someone’s house that is better than mine and now I want one like it… Read More

Richer Is Always Better

When I was in first grade, one of the kids in my class told me how girls get pregnant. Before this, I hadn’t given it much thought. But now I knew the facts of life because Steven explained them to me. Here’s what he said:

If you look at a girl’s belly button, she’ll get pregnant.

I took it as a warning. And for a while, I was pretty concerned that I might accidentally see a girl’s belly button and get her pregnant… Read More