After The Show

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We church people love the show.

Lights! Camera! Action!

It’s addictive.

The thing is, real life is on pause for the show. It’s after the show that real life happens.

Real life is rarely glamorous or camera-ready.

Real life is in the boring, mundane, and day-to-day responsibilities.

Real life is in the conflict, the struggle, and the tension.

Real life is in the the loss, the sorrow, and the tears.

Real life is in the lonely moments.

Real life is found after the show…

And this is why we need some deep, healthy roots.

You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! —Colossians 2.6, 7 MSG

I love church and I want you to come to church, get involved, and help make a difference.

But, even more importantly, I want you to have roots that sustain you when you’re not at church.

Because that’s where life is lived…

After the show.


imagine life restored 2013 work

I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

2 Comments to After The Show

  1. Wow- thank you for speaking to this Brian. It’s true. We need sustainable relationship with God. We must have a deep awareness that our life is contained in him, lived with him. Thank you for helping us recognize he is both in the celebration & passion and also in the quiet & still. Both are so important. :)

  2. Cathy Simpson

    Does our faith really count if its only on Sunday? Like the seed on the rocks in the parable of the sower and the house on sand–contrasted with the deeply plowed soil and house built on a solid rock foundation, it takes daily work and connection with God, (our most important relationship) to withstand what daily life throws at us and still remain faithful. Thanks for the reminder. Colossians is one of my favorite epistles.

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