Posts Tagged: "tweets"

We’ve Forgotten How To Argue Well (Hint: It’s Not About Yelling, Swearing, Or Mocking)

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We’ve forgotten how to argue well (hint: it’s not about yelling, swearing, or mocking the other person). The art of civil discourse seems to be lost in our country.

Maybe it is because the internet gives us the opportunity to read and say horrible things without having to look at the person, the victim’s face.

Calvin swearing for POST

I was going to include a video here – one of the many Jimmy Kimmel “Mean Tweets” celebrity edition videos… (where celebrities read horrible things people say about them on Twitter) but they’re all way too rated R for… Read More

Re-Tweeting Myself

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I spent some time looking through my 2013 tweets, and wow, I really crack myself up. Also, I was kinda embarrassed over how many of my tweets were about food. Thought I’d share a few of my favorites with ya. Here goes re-tweeting myself…

Going to the dentist where they will ask me if I’ve been flossing regularly & I will say yes. Then they will floss my teeth & make me bleed.

My daughter’s face, when singing along to some Adele, is terrifying.

Hey guys—just so you know, Ke$ha gets another dollar every time you say “liberry.”

It’s so annoying when everyone… Read More