Posts Tagged: "Kathy Escobar"

Sundays Are For Sharing

Sundays are for sharing – so here are some shout-outs to three great writers: Carlos Rodriguez, Kathy Escobar, and Jason Isaacs. Please take a few minutes to read what they shared online this week…

carlos rodriquez post

1. This post: 9 Reasons Sinners Went To Jesus But Don’t Come To Us by Carlos Rodriguez.

Here’s my favorite line(s): “1. Because we complain. About politics, Obama, abortion, Islam, liberal media, sex, taxes and… Read More

Normally I Am Slow

Normally I am slow. I like to take my time thinking about stuff. You won’t get big reactions from me. And if you ask what I think about some big issue or crisis du jour… my favorite answer is “I don’t know.” I joke with Shari that my gravestone should say “I don’t know” on it (she asks billions of questions and gets this answer from me all the time).

Normally I am slow. But not yesterday.

Things started out pretty typical. Shari left the house first. Then I got Ashah off to school. I was enjoying those few moments of quietness (OK, it was my 30-minute nap that I take every morning) when all of the sudden, my phone blew up.

I’ve never heard text messages come in such rapid succession. It was vibration… Read More

A Beautiful With-Ness

This past Sunday I spoke on the story of Ruth – about how she lived out a faithful “with-ness.” When Ruth told Naomi, “Your people will be my people,” she was saying, “I’m WITH YOU in this.”

Here are the concluding lines of the sermon:

What is brave? To be faithful, even when other’s aren’t. It’s brave to live out a faithful with-ness, while others have chosen to avoid eye contact and walk on the other side of the street. God help us to be brave.

The picture at the top of this post is from Saturday’s Great Big Backpack Give. DJ Schug is standing with his friends from school. Last Fall, DJ’s mom discovered a “How to speak Arabic” text book in DJ’s school bag. When she asked him about it, he… Read More