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Adding a few thoughts to the previous post, A Better, More Beautiful Way…

Way matters. Not just what.

Remember what Christians were called before they were known as Christians?

Followers of the way (Acts 9.2).

It was at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians. —Acts 11.26

And what exactly is the way? It’s the way of Jesus. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” —John 14.6

Way matters.

Consider these words from Kathy Escobar:

“Instead of a powerful king who was going to kick butt and take names, the promised messiah ended up being a humble servant who saved the day by dying. Still, even though we know the story, we continue to look for powerful kings instead of humble servants.”

Way matters.

Sometimes we forget this. We are quickly drawn to the kick butt and take names way. We like to click on stories that sound more like, “Watch this atheist’s argument get destroyed…” than, “A follower of the Way loves his neighbor.”

But way matters. It alWAYs does.

That’s what the Apostle Paul was driving at with the opening lines of 1 Corinthians 13. Paraphrasing…

If I could preach fire with a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit—but don’t do it in a loving way—it’s a load of crap. If I was a man of faith and power, and had answers for everyone—but do and say stuff an unloving way—all that wisdom gets flushed down the toilet.

Way Matters.


I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

6 Comments to WAY MATTERS

  1. Lois broetje

    Pastor Brian
    Enjoyed reading this today. It really ministered to my heart.
    Even you and Sherri are not in Yakima, please know we still love and appreciate you and pray for you .

  2. It’s sad that after growing up in a Christian home in Utah and attending a great bible believing and teaching church almost my entire life, I came to the realization in my 40′s that though I had never lost an argument with a Mormon, I have never led a Mormon to Christ. EPIC FAIL!

    Thanks PB, for being willing to go against the grain to get us back to the main thing – Loving God and Loving People – the Way of Christ.

    • This touched my heart to read this and your response. I too grew up in Utah in a Christian home and church. I learned a great deal about the Mormon faiith and doctrine so I could debate theological principles and dispute their teachings against the bible. It wasn’t until decades later after living most of my adult life away from Utah that I realized my message should have been about salvation through Christ and his unconditional love for us. Yes, epic failure.

  3. Food for thought. I think sometimes we need to imagine our first face-to-face chat with Jesus when we pass from this earth. Would He say to me, “That was a terrific debate you gave against that atheist. Great job in proving him wrong with your words!” Or, “I really think you gave away too much money to the poor during your life.” Maybe, “I’m so impressed with your memorization of Bible verses. Let’s hear a few now!” Perhaps not…

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