Posts Tagged: "heaven"

Lent Day 13… The Road To Heaven Does Not Run From The World

The road to Heaven does not run from the world, but through it.

—Robert Farrar Capon

Yesterday we spent our afternoon on Skid Row. We’re here in Los Angeles for a week with a team from NWLife to serve at the Dream Center.

This is my 12th or 13th trip to the Dream Center. I started coming with teams of students in the late ’90′s because I wanted to expose my people to ministry that goes beyond having church services on Sundays and Wednesdays. I wanted to be influenced by a ministry that didn’t tuck itself away from the world, but rather went right through the world—as the hands of Jesus bringing love, compassion, service, food, and whatever is needed.

“Find a need and meet it, find a hurt and heal it” is the famous mantra of Tommy Barnett – the grandfather of this kind of ministry in America.

So yesterday we were in Skid Row handing out bags filled with hotdogs and chips. After the food was all given away, we… Read More

Sunday Shout Outs

Here’s what I really enjoyed reading online this past week…

sarah schwartz post

This post, I Need To Hear From Women, by Sarah Christine Schwartz.

My favorite line(s):

I need to see the daughters of Mary operating in the dignity that was given to them at the tomb as the first people to carry the message of the gospel. 

I have a deep love and high regard for the men who have taught me from the pulpit and the lectern—I’ve needed and need them, too. But I don’t ever think there is going to be a lack of their voices in my life to tell me about Jesus. 

I need a… Read More

When What We Say About People Sounds Like The Devil Talking

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Certain sounds are easily identifiable. Think old Volkswagens. Or Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Sometimes, you can even tell where a person is from by the words they use or how they say them.

You’ve probably already taken the “How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk” language test, right? I felt pretty good about my results… I’m either from Seattle, Spokane, or Grand Rapids… Read More

How Far Will He Go In Pursuit Of You?

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I often joke with single guys that they give up too soon…

My advice? “Don’t let a little rejection turn you around. Why give up so early? Keep pursuing and eventually you’ll wear her down. She doesn’t have to like you at first—she needs to like you in the end.”

Seriously though, some guys won’t go very far in pursuit.

God’s interest in, and love for us, is much different. His pursuit is without end. He is relentless.

Think about it. How far will He go in pursuit of you?

The famous Psalm of David says,

I look behind me and you’re there, then up ahead and you’re there, too… Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit, to be out of your sight? If I climb to the sky, you’re there! If I go underground, you’re there! If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizon, you’d find me in a minute—you’re already there waiting! Then I said to myself, “Oh, he even sees me in the dark! —Psalm 139 MSG

And, of course, we are mindful this week leading up to Easter of just how far He will go in pursuit of us. Jesus left the majesty of heaven to become as one of us—a humble child, born in poor conditions, to an unwed mother.

He grew and learned and worked and submitted.

He taught and healed and cared and fed and loved and gave.

He willingly poured himself out. He went to the cross, was abused and mocked and shamed.

He died and was placed in a tomb.

This is how far He went—as far as anyone could ever go. And then, He went further.

His pursuit would not stop with the thing that stops everyone.

He broke death, hell, and the grave. Their power could not hold Him.

He rose from the dead and He lives. His death means our sins are forgiven, our debt is paid in full, all charges against us have been canceled on the cross. His life means we have life—and not just life, but life WITH God.

How far will He go in pursuit of you?

To the depths, and beyond.


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