Posts Tagged: "Amazing Grace"

Now I See

- - Life With God, Uncategorized

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind, but now I see. —John Newton

Now I see that God’s love does not seek value, it creates it.

Now I see that my identity is a gift from God, not an achievement of my own.

Now I see that I don’t have to prove myself, for God has taken care of that; all I have to do is express myself in deeds of love and gratitude.

Because I am held in the embrace of God’s love, I can’t run away—nor do I want to.

How much better to face it all—the imperfections of my soul and my… Read More

Whispering Shouts About These Videos

So, this is different. Generally each week I share some blog posts from around the internet that I found to be worthy of a shout out… but today I won’t be sharing blog posts. Instead, only videos. And they’re rather mellow. Chill.

I won’t bother giving any commentary, other than to say I found them to be beautiful – so I’m whispering shouts about these videos:


#1. VIDEO—Broken Vessels… Read More