Posts Tagged: "Family"

Thankful Notes: Something Probably Just of Interest to my Wife

Monday, August 19, 2019

I’m tired and have a nasty cold (after a busy week with Backpack Give and Sunday services), but still, I got up early and took Camper out. It’s a nice routine and I actually enjoy that she needs to go… because I get an early morning walk up the hill to the highest viewpoint on the lake.

And Camper is especially sweet in the morning when she first gets up.

Made coffee and sat outside reading for a bit. No hurry. My favorite.

I told Shari, “I think that’s my favorite outfit you’re wearing.” It’s a loose casual black T and some cropped jeans with a few little tears – nothing too dramatic, and her black Birkenstocks. She got all blushy and smiley and said,… Read More

The Difference Between Being Motivated By Power And Being Motivated By Love

The church has never done well when it was latched onto power. The church has always done better when it was on the margins. —Dr. Joseph B. Modica

I suppose it would be a colossal understatement to say there is a lot of hierarchy in church.

With all the titles and positions, posturing and power-grabbing, manipulating and controlling, and the ever-present sense that we are not enough—we need to be given advice, we need to fall in line (and if we don’t we can expect some form of dismissal, disapproval, excommunication, shunning, etc.), it’s no wonder people say they don’t… Read More

Tribute To My Mom (A Strong Woman)

Today is my mom’s memorial service. My dad and the four of us kids all wrote something to be shared at the service… and here is what I wrote:

 *     *     *     *

When people talk about my mom, I often hear them say things like, “She lit up the room with her smile,” or “She is so sweet.”

Yes. It’s true. I can’t argue with that.

But I do have something to add.

My mom is a strong woman. And by strong, I mean… Read More

Your Place At The Table Is Saved & It Is Safe

I don’t know what the vision statement of the church I grew up in was, but if I were to guess based on the rapture movies they used to show, it’d be something like:

We exist to scare the hell out of everyone.

Yes, I had nightmares about missing the rapture, heads being chopped off, accidentally getting the mark of the beast, and a variety of other apocalyptic terrors.

And there were a number of times when, coming home from school and finding no evidence of family members, I’d panic and assume the worst: I had missed the rapture. For the next few minutes (until my mom came back from visiting with a friend), I’d frantically devise my ridiculous escape and survival plan… Read More

Didn’t Have To Run

Yesterday, my wife was asking me about my younger years of rebellion—my “prodigal son” days. She wondered how far away from God I felt like I was back then…

Did you believe you had run away from God? Did you see yourself as truly on the outside, no longer part of the family of God?

It didn’t take me long to answer. Yes, I did.

Back then, I didn’t have such a generous view of the family of God.

What I understood from the teaching of the church at that time was clear: Do those things, and you are not part of us. More specifically, do those things, and you are not part of Him… Read More

Kindness Revealed

As I have grown in my understanding of God, and in my relationship with him over the years, I’ve come to believe something about his nature…

He is kind.

I will have compassion on you with everlasting kindness, says the Lord —Isaiah 54.8 GWT

His kindness is everlasting.

And it’s not a hidden feature. Sometimes the church and his people do a good job of hiding it… Read More

Your Church Is Better

Your church is better than mine

And I’m good with that.

To me, better isn’t the issue anyway. We’re different. I think we should be.

My church doesn’t do everything well, and it can’t.

The “my _______ is better than your _______” feels like a sassy elementary school yard conversation, don’t you think?

I can’t imagine how that type of comparison honors our Father… Read More

I Can Have Enemies

I used to believe it was OK to have enemies.

Because Jesus said to love them, bless them, pray for them… I kinda took it as permission to collect ‘em.

Like Jesus was saying, “It’s OK to call people or groups of people your enemies.”

But I don’t believe that anymore. I don’t believe it’s OK to collect or have enemies.

Here’s what I mean… Read More