The Small Bang Theory

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Most things don’t start big.

Nope. They tend to start small.

Here’s what the Bible says about small beginnings:

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” (Zechariah 4.10 NLT)

God doesn’t want us to have a bad attitude about small beginnings.

I can think of two reasons why we might be tempted to despise small beginnings…

First—We don’t want to be small because we are addicted to big. We equate big with success. We don’t want to “waste” time with small. We want big results—you know, to match our big egos. We prefer others being small (which usually makes us feel bigger).

Second—We don’t don’t want to do the work of starting something, and then growing it. We equate small with more glamor-less work. We don’t like dirty work. And we don’t like waiting.

Here’s the truth: most big things started small.

In fact, most big things started with someone who was willing to be small—at least for a while.

Speaking of big, God (who is huge), rejoices at small beginnings.

He likes to see things start. Also—He likes to see US start things.

So… let’s make Him smile. Let’s start something new!

Small beginnings are the starting point of big things.

Got big ideas? Huge dreams? Lofty ambitions?

Good. Now get yourself ready for small…

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” (Zechariah 4.10 NLT)

I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

2 Comments to The Small Bang Theory

  1. Good work Brian! Especially for church planters that start with a group in their living room! We’re pursuing the wrong dream when we only find fulfillment when the dream is accomplished. Enjoy the journey, appreciate the process…even in the midst of small beginnings!

    • Brian—I’m rejoicing with you & Hope City. I love what you’re doing. Thank you for being willing to start small.

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