What Your Pastors Want to Tell You (But Usually Don’t)

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In our staff meeting this week, we talked about things we’d like to tell you—but usually don’t.

Here are a few of those things (from various staff members):

I’m a real person—a lot like you, actually. I’m not a monk; I don’t meditate all day. I have family, friends, hobbies, interests and stuff like that.

Along the way, I will more than likely, unknowingly offend you. Just know ahead of time—it’s not my intention. I’m human and will make some mistakes. Yes, I preach extending grace to others, and I (and the rest of the staff) need grace from you too.

It’s hard for me to see you on Sundays—it’s almost bittersweet. I want to sit down and have coffee with you, spend 30 minutes hearing about your life, your fears, your concerns… and to pray with you. The fact that I have time for only brief “hellos” in the lobby pains me. I want to be connecting deeper with you, but time doesn’t allow. Please don’t feel sidelined if I seem rushed on a Sunday morning.

It’s not always the devil. Sometimes you’re just making really dumb choices.

Please don’t hang back, waiting for people to reach out to you. Initiate. Be friendly and make friends at church.

As far as kids go, we can only partner with and encourage you parents. We will do everything we can to teach your children biblical truths, equip them and encourage their faith in the hour each week they are here. Remember: there are another 167 hours each week.

We can’t do this alone. We need each other. Just giving money isn’t enough. We need you to buy-in, serve and invest in others, share your talents and abilities, and build the church. Bystanders and observers can have lots of expectations and critique. Participants have a vested interest and want to see the church succeed.

We don’t ask you to give because we get something extra when offerings are good or get less when offerings are bad. Our salaries are set, budgeted, and approved by our board. We ask you to give because God set it up that way. We ask you to give because we really believe you will be blessed when you put God first in your finances. We (all the staff) give. We do what we’re asking you to do.

When I forget your name, I’m so sorry. You do matter. Sometimes, if I’ve not seen you in a while, I just forget. (You know, you have an advantage because you can see our names in print). Please be patient and gracious. If it looks like I might be struggling for your name, just remind me. We’ll both feel better.

Do you know what a risk it is for our pastors to share from the platform? Anything they say (or wear) can be misunderstood or judged. You might disagree with something said or it might be taken in a way that wasn’t intended. Let grace reign in your heart. Pray for those you don’t understand and ask God to give you a greater heart of love and compassion for the world around you. Love conquers all.

It’s a privilege to lead you. We love you and we love our church. Thank you for being part of it with us.

I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

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