Best of 2011—Too Sexy For My Shirt?

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I thought I’d wrap up the year with some of the best posts from 2011…

TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT? (December 7, 2011)

Remember that song from 1991 by the band Right Said Fred…

The one that goes on and on about all the things “I’m too sexy” for?

It arrogantly declares, “I’m too sexy for my shirt.”

Maybe you think it’s disgusting that someone would sing about how they’re too sexy for shirts, cars, hats, Milan, New York and Japan… BUT WE THINK THE SAME THING ALL THE TIME.


Yes. Really.

We’re constantly thinking, “I’m too ___________ for ____________ .”

For instance…

“I’m too over-qualified for this.”

“I’m too under-qualified for that.”

“I’m too old for helping out with stuff like this.”

“I’m too young for something like that.”

“I’m too messed-up for church.”

“I’m too ___________ for ____________ .”

Basically, this line of reasoning says 1 of 2 things:

Either “I’m too GOOD for this,” or “I’m too BAD for that.”

You know the story of the Good Samaritan, right?

Here’s the super-condensed version:

Dude gets robbed and beaten. He’s left in the gutter to die. A little later, a priest comes by—and when he sees the dude, he avoids the situation by walking on the other side of the road. A few minutes later, a church leader does the exact same thing. Finally, a guy who is pretty low in terms of society’s scale shows up. He jumps in, helps the dude out, and personally finances his recovery (the full version is in Luke chapter 10).

In this story, the priest was thinking ”I’m too sexy for my shirt.”

OK, not really—but he was thinking “I’m too good for this,” which is just as stupid.

Same thing with the church leader.

The Samaritan, rather than thinking “I’m too bad for this,” made himself available to help.

His ego wasn’t over-inflated and it wasn’t under-inflated.

He didn’t think he was too sexy for his shirt.

He also was willing to do what he could.

What’s the point of all this?


Stop believing “I’m too ___________ for ____________ .”


I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

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