The Naked Gardener’s Classified Ad

When I was 5 years old, I wanted more cookies.

When I was 10, I wanted to go everywhere my big sister was going.

At age 16, I wanted a later curfew, a homecoming date, a driver’s license and keys to a car.

The endless list of things I’ve wanted over the years include: a master’s degree, a tan, a job, a better job, a raise, a girlfriend, a better girlfriend, a wife, a baby, six pack abs…

Currently, I’m finding myself wanting more time, more sleep, more storage space, and well… more cookies.

We graduate from one desire to the next and live in a constant state of wanting.

We get something we wanted, then quickly move on to the next desire.

Wanting isn’t necessarily bad.

Wanting can cause us to grow, improve and reach goals.

Wanting can also master us.

Focusing on what we want next can easily distract us from what’s most important NOW.

Many people go through life with the sense that real life is still waiting for them—out there, somewhere, AFTER they get what they’ve been wanting.

It’s important to realize:

Your current situation has a potential for growth that will never again exist at any other time in life.

Right now is an opportunity.

Right now is a gift.

Think about this…

The first man, Adam, was single.

He wanted a wife.

Can you imagine if Adam took out a classified ad in the Eden Times…

“Single man, very spiritual, down to earth, likes gardening naked, allergic to snakes. Seeking life partner who wants innumerable descendants.”

Adam was single for a while.

God had a job for Adam to accomplish while he was single—naming all the animals and birds.

I imagine that took some time and creativity energy.

After that, God made Eve and introduced her to Adam.

God knew what Adam wanted and needed.

God provided perfectly for Adam, but he also had purpose for Adam in his time of wanting.

In our times of wanting, God has significant work for us to accomplish.

Trust God. Don’t obsess over what you don’t have.

God knows what you want and need… and he will provide perfectly for you.

Never allow wanting to master you.

Right now is an important time.

God has significant purpose for you NOW.

I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

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