All Kinds O’ Crazy

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Insecurity is a ruthless master.

When its insatiable appetite is fed, insecurity morphs into an even worse dictator: paranoia.

The mind of the deeply insecure, paranoid individual is full of all kinds o’ crazy.

Remember Herod?

He was the crazed king of the Roman provinces surrounding Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth.

When he heard a new “King of the Jews” was born, his insecurities started working overtime.

That’s right—this 60 year old King was threatened by a newborn baby.

Herod wasn’t just worried that baby Jesus would take his job from him…

He also feared that his brothers, wife and sons would steal his power—so he had them executed.

History shows that Herod was a madman who murdered anyone he felt threatened by.

What a sad way to live…

Conspiracy theories. Insecure. Paranoid. Always looking over the shoulder. Threatened. No peace. No rest.

Herod believed everyone was gunning for his slice of the pie.

Contrast Herod with some of other characters in the story—the “wise guys”.

They came to be part of something bigger than themselves.

They were secure, confident and full of simple faith.

They weren’t worried about their slice of the pie.

They came to give.

Here’s the point:

Don’t feed your insecurities—you’ll just end up with all kinds o’ crazy.

Instead, feed your faith. Celebrate the good. Be part of something bigger than yourself.

I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

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