Look Again

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We don’t always see what’s REALLY there with the first glance.

Often, we need to take a second look, we need to LOOK AGAIN.

You know the famous story about the feeding of the 5,000—right?

Big crowds came out to hear Jesus teach. They were far away from any restaurants or grocery stores.

The people were tired and hungry. The disciples suggested that Jesus send everyone home.

Jesus said, “No—you give them something to eat.”

A big discussion followed…

“There’s nothing here. If we purchased food, do you know how much it would cost to feed 5,000 people?”

Jesus told the disciples to go LOOK AGAIN.

He said, “How many loaves of bread do you have? Go and see.” (Mark 6.38 NCV)

Andrew, one of the disciples, said: “Here is a boy with five loaves of barley bread and two little fish, but that is not enough for so many people.” (John 6.8 NCV)

Of course, we know how the story ends. It’s a miracle. The food is multiplied and it feeds everyone. In fact, there are even leftovers—12 baskets full.

But before we arrive at the end of the story, something significant happened in the middle of the story… it’s when Jesus told his disciples to LOOK AGAIN.

You see, they were ready to call it a day. They decided nothing could be done.

But Jesus said, “LOOK AGAIN.”

When they looked again, Andrew discovered a boy with a little food—enough for maybe just a handful of people.

It wasn’t “enough,” but it was something.

And Jesus took that little, insignificant amount of food—and he multiplied it.

He made it enough. Jesus made it significant.

We see people and things all the time… which at first glance might seem little or insignificant.

I believe Jesus says to us, “LOOK AGAIN.”

The little and the insignificant… this is exactly what He likes to use.

So when you think, “There isn’t enough here to make a difference,” LOOK AGAIN.

When you’re ready to count someone out, LOOK AGAIN.

And when you’re ready to call it hopeless, LOOK AGAIN.

What seems little or insignificant to you might be the beginnings of a great miracle!


I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

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