Posts Tagged: "Works"

Lent Day 28… Martha Was The Worst

Today’s post is from Sarah Condon’s book Churchy: The Real Life Adventures of a Wife, Mom & Priest

Selected portions from the chapter titled, “Martha Was The Worst” -

People do not want to chastise the lady who is just trying to get the dishes done. I get that. The last thing I want to be told is that my laundry folding is not as valuable as I keep telling myself it is.

There are many moments in my day when the only thing that gets me through hand washing a pacifier is the notion that I am doing the most valuable work. And while this may get the dishes washed, it also has St. Martha’s pathos written all over it.

Every time I talk about the story of Mary and Martha, someone tries to educate me on why I need to be more Team Martha. This has happened so many times that I want to… Read More