Posts Tagged: "temple of the holy spirit"

Because It’s Easier To Just Compartmentalize

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Great cathedrals seem to be holy places…

Like God actually lives there.

When you step in, the beauty, size, and magnificence takes your breath away.

Your natural reaction is to move slowly, quietly, and with reverence.

Even the shape of the building pulls your attention heavenward.

Being in a cathedral causes us to be more mindful of God.

I guess that’s a pretty cool thing.

But it also can reinforce a compartmentalized view of God and his presence—that’s not so cool.

I think it’s kinda funny that my church lacks all the cool cathedral qualities.

It’s not beautiful or big or magnificent in any way.

It doesn’t cause people to move slowly or quietly or with reverence.

We have a preschool that operates through the week here. Things get all messy and dirty.

We even had a stray cat sneak in and stay for a few days. We discovered this because of “evidence.”

I don’t think anyone has the impression that God lives in the NWLife Church building.

A cat, maybe. God? No.

And that’s OK. Why? Because of what the Bible says:

God does not live in houses built by human hands. (Acts 7.48)

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you. (1 Cor. 6.19)

Indeed, the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17.21)

God doesn’t live in man-made structures, temples, church buildings, or cathedrals.

His Spirit lives in us.

But we often function as if God lives in churches and cathedrals—and not in us.

Why? Because it’s easier to just compartmentalize.

On Sunday, we go to the “God box” and get a spiritual tune-up. We confess and repent for all the bad stuff we participated in since the last time we did church. We get filled up and pumped up—ready for another week or two out in the world without God. Then we say goodbye to the box we have for God until next time…

Extra-credit people have “devotion time” – another box for us to meet with God in.

So, what about all the rest of the time?

Where is God then?

Where is God when we’re road-raging?

Where is God when we’re having too much to drink / too much to eat?

Where is God when we’re mocking and judging another one of his kids?

Where is God when we’re fighting with our spouse?

Where is God when we’re cheating on our taxes?

I know this: He’s not taking a nap on a row of comfy green chairs at NWLife Church, waiting for Sunday to roll around so He can hear about how everyone’s week went.

He’s not in a box. He is in you, He is with you.

Great. This means He’s with me when I’m sinning?

That’s kind of a hard pill to swallow—which is why it’s easier to just compartmentalize and think of God as being in the boxes we have for him.

I’m not criticizing going to church or having devotions (spending time reading your Bible and praying). Those things have significant purpose—and the Bible tells us to never quit doing them (see Hebrews 10.25, 1 Thessalonians 5.17, James 1.22).

Here’s what I am saying:

God is with you every moment, everywhere, all the time, in the good and in the bad, when you’ve got it together and when you’re falling apart, when you haven’t sinned yet since your last confession and when you are sinning…

His Spirit will never leave you (John 14.16).

God doesn’t stay in our boxes because we have the Spirit of God with us constantly.

This means we have life WITH God—not just compartments of life where we keep Him or meet with Him.


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That Moment When You Realize Someone Is In The Room

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I bet you’ve done that thing where you’re in a public bathroom with a friend, carrying on a conversation through the stalls…

And when you open your stall door, you discover that your friend has already gone—and you’ve been talking for an unknown length of time to a complete stranger (who looks slightly confused and rather amused).

Here’s another one:

I bet you’ve done that thing where you walk into the family room or living room of your house, and you KNOW that nobody else is home…

You’re not concerned with things like social etiquette or proper attire. You might scratch yourself or make certain sounds—and not even think twice about it.

Then, somebody says “Well hello there” with a smirk on their face. A family member IS at home and has been sitting on the couch the whole time. In that moment, you have a mini heart attack, almost swear, drop something—then quickly think about what they might have seen or heard from you.

Here’s the point:

You’ve been wrong before about someone’s presence—whether they are with you or not with you—and you will be wrong again.

Now, let’s talk about God’s presence—the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit… You know him, because he lives with you now.” (John 14.16-17 NLT)

News flash about the Holy Spirit: He will NEVER leave you.

That’s not coming from me, that’s coming from Jesus.

Here’s what the Apostle Paul had to say about it:

Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? (1 Corinthians 6.19 NLT)

God’s Spirit lives IN YOU and He will never leave you—whether you’re “feeling it” or not.

Sometimes we say things like “Whoa, the Holy Spirit is all up in this joint!” because we had a particularly powerful worship experience and we’re really “feeling it.”

Other times, we might feel distant and dry—wondering if God has lifted his Spirit from us.

But remember:

We’ve been wrong before about someone’s presence—whether they are with us or not with us—and we will be wrong again.

God’s Spirit lives IN YOU and He will never leave you—whether you’re “feeling it” or not.

I was a big U2 fan from junior high through college but never had the opportunity to go a concert. Then, a few years ago, my wife surprised me with U2 tickets.

During the concert, there were some moments when I got goosebumps and tears welled up in my eyes. Now, that’s the exact same response I have in church when I’m “feeling it” and “the Holy Spirit is all up in this joint.” Except, it wasn’t the Holy Spirit doing something special at the U2 concert. I was just being moved emotionally. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I bet you’ve experienced something similar while at a concert or the theater.

I’m wanting to illustrate something you already know, but might need to be reminded of:

Your feelings will trick you.

“Feeling it” or “not feeling it” is never an accurate representation of the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life. The Spirit of God is not coming and going, here and there, this way and that…

The Spirit of God lives IN you—when you’re feeling it and when you’re not; when you’re aware of His presence and when you’re not.

He abides. Lives. Dwells. 100% of the time God is with you. Get that settled right now in your heart and mind.

He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17.20-21 NKJV)


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