Posts Tagged: "Peacemaking"

Lent Day 33… If I Cannot Find The Face Of Jesus

Far from being the pious injunction of a utopian dreamer, this command to love our enemies is an absolute necessity for the survival of our civilization. Yes, it is love that will save our world and civilization, love even for enemies. —Martin Luther King Jr. (sermon at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, November 17, 1957)

Jim Forest, in his book Loving Our Enemies: Reflections on the Hardest Commandment says…

If I cannot find the face of Jesus in… Read More

Maybe We Are “Knowing” The Wrong Thing

The movie Beasts of No Nation is one of those gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, and yet very necessary stories… it’s a film that is difficult to watch, but it is one that we should watch.

It depicts the story of Agu – a young orphan boy who has lost his family and is taken in by a commander of guerrilla soldiers.

When I saw the movie, I was haunted by this one line—spoken by Agu shortly after he had killed someone.

“God… I have… Read More