Posts Tagged: "Bravo TV"

The Underbelly Of (Christian) Leadership

Several years ago, I read the book “Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership” by Gary McIntosh and Samuel Rima. To be honest, the big idea of the book scandalized me. Basically it said,

You know that thing about you that you’re known for? The thing that makes you strong and effective? That gift, strength, or disposition you have that comes naturally to you—especially in your work? Yeah, well, it has an evil twin. For every strength you have, there is a shadowy dark side that goes with it.

Dang. Ouch. REALLY??!!!?!

This can’t be true about ME.

I guess it’s pretty easy to see this at play in others, but it’s not so fun to think about it in my own life.

For instance, it’s obvious to me that Jeff Lewis (from TV’s Flipping Out) has a strength in being… Read More