Posts Tagged: "troublesome lyrics"

Rise Up vs Rain Down (A Rant)

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I have my pet peeves when it comes to worship.

I’m sure you do too.

When I’m feeling rather peevish, I try to tell myself:

This (worship) isn’t about you. This is all about Him. This is TO Him and it is FOR Him.

Relax Dude. Remember: artistic license…

Things don’t have to be perfectly accurate and make complete sense in order for them to be beautiful.

The number of songs you’ve written and contributed to the body of Christ is exactly zero, so shut it.

I do think I’ve gotten better over the years. I used to be more rigid about it…

I would demand the changing of a song’s troublesome lyrics.

I had a rather extensive “banned” worship song list.

So, yeah. I think I’ve gotten a little better about it.

But I’m still super opinionated.

I have my list of things that really bother me in worship—things like:

#1. A worship set that is all gloomy and sad sounding.

#2. Worship that uses overly romantic imagery.

#3. Worship with lyrics that require an interpretation or leave us scratching our heads in confusion.

#4. Worship that only white people can appreciate (see #1 and #3).

#5. Worship that has us (the people) as the center of the focus and the hero of the story.

#6. Worship that rhymes “fire” with “desire” (just seems too easy).

#7. Worship that takes us backwards theologically.

Now, that last point leads me to today’s rant…

I’m tired of worship that begs for God to come, asks the Holy Spirit to rain down, and reinforces the notion if we cry, plead, and participate in a number of desperate antics—God just might show up once again.

I’m more of a “Rise up, Spirit of God in me” kind of guy than a “Holy Spirit rain down” dude.

Why? Because…

You are the temple of God and the Spirit of God lives in you. For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you. (1 Corinthians 6.19 NLT, Luke 17.21 NKJV)

If we’re gonna have worship that doesn’t take us backwards theologically, I believe it will sound more like: “Rise up, Spirit of God in me” than “Holy Spirit rain down.”

I guess I just don’t want our worship to sound like some kind of rain dance.

Maybe I’m extra sensitive to the “rain down” thing because I’m from Seattle.

I don’t know.

Here’s what I do know: the Spirit of God lives in me, 100% of the time—and he’s not ever leaving me.

Jesus promised us that (John 14.16) – which is why I’m more of a “Rise up, Spirit of God in me” kind of guy than a “Holy Spirit rain down” dude.


straight up g for web