Posts Tagged: "Sue Monk Kidd"

NWLife Weekly Conversation – The Situation Is Fluid

Here is our second video NWLife podcast featuring our weekly conversation.

Today’s theme: The Situation is Fluid.

We find encouragement when we open up our lives to listen and to share with one another the very real things we are feeling and experiencing. This is what what we witness as Pastor Andy, Pastor Angela, and Leslie spend some time in conversation together, sharing about what the situation is fluid means to them.

Sue Monk Kidd said:

“Who knows at what moment we may begin to wake up to the astonishing fact that Immanuel (God with Us) is still God’s name, and that every moment the Word of God, Jesus Christ, is coming to us.”

At the end of today’s video podcast, Pastor Kyle shares a brand new song he’s written called, Him Who Loves Us. Let this song wash over you like a prayer today!

Verse 1

When you are tired, when you are weary

Find rest in Him who loves us

Is life too heavy, for you to carry

Find strength in Him who loves us


Hallelujah, God is faithful… Read More

Here’s My Favorite Books I Read In 2017

Here’s my favorite books I read in 2017, in no particular order (not all of these books were released in 2017—some are much older… I just read them this year – also, click on the picture of the book to view on Amazon):

Barking to the Choir by Father Greg Boyle



Glory Happening by Kaitlin Curtice

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Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God by Brian Zahnd

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The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd



Peaches for… Read More

An Attitude Of Listening

Continuing in this theme of stillness / quiet / silence / listening / hearing… a few more words from Sue Monk Kidd’s book God’s Joyful Surprise:

The aim of silence is to create an attitude of listening to God.

Without listening, silence is just a vacuum. Inside our silence, we seek an encounter, a dialog, a participation with His presence. But learning to hear His whisper is the most delicate miracle of all. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears…”

If. That little word says a great deal to us, doesn’t it? It says God speaks, He knocks, He awakens… but… perhaps we will not hear Him.

Not long ago I stepped outside into the deep velvety darkness of an… Read More

Silence. Quietness. Stillness. Is There Anything We Neglect More?

There’s a gas station near my house that I frequent. When I stopped in the other day, something was different. We were headed out together as a family for an adventure. As I stepped out of the car to fill it up, there was instant noise and flickering of lights… the gas station had upgraded their pumps—the new ones featured little television screens and speakers.

This is not my favorite.

I realized as I stood there waiting for the tank to fill that I had come to enjoy these 2-3 minutes of quietness. And now that space has been filled up with news reports, entertainment, and advertisement.

Sue Monk Kidd, in her book God’s Joyful Surprise, writes…

Silence. Quietness. Stillness. Is there anything twenty-first century America neglects as much? There is no reprieve even in the elevator where music is piped in to cover the silence. We drive to the store or home from work through a maze of billboards screaming more words at us.

All day the roar of technology around us is constant: traffic, planes, phones, dishwashers, television, videos, electronic toys that talk, blip and bleep incessantly. We are buried under a… Read More

Every Event Carries The Hidden Possibility Of A Word From God

*Photo above: Rhythm & blues recording artist Liz Vice at NWLife, May 2017

My little family of three has this dinner-time conversation on a regular basis—it’s usually prompted by my wife… she will ask, “Where did you see God today?” The question could be asked a number of ways: How did you see God today? What experience brought you closer to God today? What reminded you of God today? What did God whisper to you today? 

There is no right or wrong answer. That’s not the point. The point is to share those encounters, experiences, thoughts, and feelings that somehow made us mindful of our Creator.

When Liz Vice came to sing at our church’s annual Together Nights last month, it was one of those… Read More