Posts Tagged: "Sebastian Junger"

Lent Day 7… Have We Fallen Out Of Belonging?

 Although we are many, we are one in Christ—and we belong to one another. —Romans 12.5

Sebastian Junger, in his fascinating book TRIBE: On Homecoming and Belonging, says:

“Modern society has perfected the art of making people not feel necessary. It’s time for that to end.

To say it bluntly, modern society seems to emphasize extrinsic values over intrinsic ones, and as a result, mental health issues refuse to decline with growing wealth. The alienating effects of wealth and modernity on the human experience start virtually at birth and never let up.”

The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis but rather the feeling of not belonging. —Mother Teresa

John O’Donohue said, “While our culture is all gloss and pace on the outside, within it is… Read More