Posts Tagged: "Rudy Rasmus"

Advent Day 7: Advent Isn’t A Guilt Trip But It Is A Journey Into Compassion

*Pictured above: Kahal, a homeless man I met this past Spring. He’s worked a number of jobs—in kitchens, landscaping, Uber driver… but has recently fallen on hard times. He doesn’t have an address right now, or a computer, and this makes applying for jobs a challenge. I thoroughly enjoyed talking with Kahal. He was pleasant, intelligent, and kind. He was quick to smile and laugh.

Those who cannot see Christ in the poor are atheists indeed. —Dorothy Day

Advent, the season of anticipating and waiting and reflecting on the arrival of Christ, is a journey that leads us into compassion. We can’t think about Christ’s coming without remembering the humble, low, and socially unacceptable truths of this story…

—a young unmarried minority girl who is pregnant

—no friends or family to call on for help, no place to go for shelter

—needing to squat where it was allowed—in the animal barn of the local inn

How would this story sound if it had played out in 21st century America?

Perhaps Jesús would have been born in the early morning hours at a downtown homeless shelter.

At the end of Jesus’ ministry on earth, he spoke of the final judgment and those who would be… Read More

Quoting Rudy Rasmus From His Book Touch

Our staff has been reading Rudy Rasmus‘ book Touch: Pressing Against the Wounds of a Broken World. Today we are getting together to discuss what we’ve learned. Here are some of my favorite quotes…

When we are convinced that we have received love and grace that we so richly don’t deserve, we’ll stop trying to affix blame so we can one up someone else. The experience of grace trumps blame and opens the door to loving others.

I don’t ask why a person is homeless or jobless or cross-dresses or smells bad. I don’t care if it’s her fault, someone else is to blame, or if a meteor came from outer space and caused the problem. There’s no need to assign blame, keep score, or label people. Instead, I just see someone Jesus is dying to love, someone who needs help, someone God has put in my path at the moment to… Read More

Some Friday Fun & Free Stuff

I was out of town for a week and took a little blogging break. Now I’m back with some Friday fun and free stuff for ya…



touch by rudy rasmus book

You could win this great book by Pastor Rudy RasmusTouch: Pressing Against the Wounds of a Broken World (I heard Rudy’s wife, Juanita, speak at a conference in Houston last week and couldn’t wait to get this book about their ministry—I read it cover to cover on my 4 hour flight home). All you need to do is comment below and you will be automatically entered… Read More